Our academic upgrading provides individualized programs to help you achieve your educational and employment goals. Instructors and support staff will assist in designing an individualized program just for you. Programs range from Basic Education Readiness to Adult 10 and Adult 12.

Academic upgrading is available to everyone. To enter into an upgrading program, testing is required to determine your level of entry. Interested individuals should contact a counsellor at North West College to arrange for testing. Please contact a College location near you

What is ABE?

Adult Basic Education (ABE) is an umbrella term that refers to a wide range of services, credit, and non-credit programs designed to help adult learners achieve their goals. These goals may include:

  1. Increasing education and/or certification levels;
  2. Gaining prerequisites for further training or employment;
  3. Enhancing life skills, independence and self-sufficiency; or
  4. Learning skills in specific areas (such as technological literacy, communication skills or portfolio development).

Any student wishing to apply for any Basic Education program must first attend an Information and Assessment Session. The session takes between 2 and 3 hours to complete. Upon completion of the session, you will be referred to the Basic Education Coordinator.

Key Terms:

ABE: Adult Basic Education
ESWP: Essential Skills for the Workplace
GED: General Education Development



Gaylene Racette, B.Ed
Basic Education Program Coordinator
Meadow Lake Campus
Direct: 306-234-5104


Gregory Kwong, B.Sc.(Kin), B.Ed
Basic Education Program Coordinator
Battlefords Campus 
Direct: 306-937-5142

PROGRAMS 2024 - 2025

PROGRAMS 2025 - 2026