Welding - Applied Certificate - Winter Intake

Welding - Applied Certificate - Winter Intake 2024-2025


Skilled welders are in demand in many industries, including oil and gas, construction, mining, manufacturing, fabrication and transportation.  You need to be good with your hands and enjoy working with tools. You also need to be a problem-solver and a team player who’s able to follow instructions.  

Welding Applied Certificate is a 20-week program offered at Sask Polytech’s Regina campus. Build your knowledge and skills in operating welding equipment and performing basic welding operations. You’ll get hands-on instruction in:

  • general shop practice and shop safety
  • oxy/acetylene fusion welding
  • cutting processes
  • gas metal arc welding
  • shielded metal arc welding

**The following equipment must be purchased by students through a vendor of their choosing:

  • steel-toed boots
  • welding helmet (optional)
  • leather welding gloves
  • coveralls
  • safety glasses


Battlefords Campus
Mar 24th, 2025 - Aug 15th, 2025 Full-time
Weekdays : 04:00pm to 10:00pm

Tuition: $3476.00 (subject to change)
Application Fee of $35.00
Books: $850.00 (subject to change)
Print Fee: $50.00

Admission Requirements

* Grade 10 or GED 12
* English Language Requirement


  • COMM 127 - Fundamental Communication Skills

    You will use fundamental employability skills related to obtaining and keeping a job. You will apply skills to work effectively with others and produce job-related documents. You will identify employability and practical skills to prepare effective job search materials and discuss the effect of attitudes and behaviours on a successful job search.

  • COMP 172 - Introduction to Microsoft Word and Excel

    You will learn the purpose and uses of a word processor and electronic spreadsheet. You will develop the basic skills of creating, editing and formatting documents and spreadsheets.

  • INDG 100 - Introduction to Indigenous Studies

    You will receive an introduction to the Indigenous cultural groups within Saskatchewan. You will learn about the colonization of Indigenous peoples by the Canadian state. Your studies will help you discuss current issues and explore possible solutions.

  • MATH 169 - Trade Mathematics

    You will learn mathematical concepts commonly used in your trade. After reviewing basic arithmetic and basic equations, you will solve various algebra problems as applied to your trade. You will perform Imperial and Metric conversions, and calculate the perimeter, area and volume of many common shapes, as well as use Pythagorean theorem.

  • METL 100 - Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals

    You will study the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of commonly used metals in the welding trade. You will study the processes of steel making. You will apply the techniques involved in heat treating metals. You will examine the classification systems used for metal identification.

  • PRNT 114 - Drawing Interpretation

    You will develop your ability to read and interpret welding and fabricating drawings.

  • SFTY 103 - Welding Safety

    Your studies will focus on general safety as it applies to the welding trade. You will learn about firefighting equipment, organize a shop for safe welding operation and safely transport and store welding supplies. You will also learn basic rigging techniques. You will study the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and be introduced to Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations.

  • WLDR 142 - Shielded Metal Arc Welding Theory

    You will be introduced to the safe operation and maintenance of shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) equipment and accessories. You will examine the proper classification and application of SMAW electrodes.

  • WLDR 143 - Shielded Metal Arc Welding Shop 1

    You will develop skills in welding steel in flat and horizontal positions. You will perform surface buildup and weld bead placement.

  • WLDR 144 - Oxy-Fuel Processes Theory

    You will develop the knowledge required to select, set up, operate and maintain oxy-fuel welding (OFW) equipment.

  • WLDR 145 - Oxy-Fuel Processes Shop

    You will set up and use oxy-fuel equipment to weld, braze and solder.

  • WLDR 146 - Oxy-Fuel and Thermal Cutting

    You will use freehand and guided methods for cutting mild steel. You will perform straight cuts, bevel cuts and pierce holes in the plate. You will use a guide to do straight cuts, bevel cuts and cut circles from plate. You will perform plasma arc cutting and gouging. Air carbon arc gouging will be performed.

  • WLDR 147 - Wire Feed Welding Process Theory

    You will develop the knowledge required to safely select, setup and maintain power supply components, electrodes, flux, and shielding gases.

  • WLDR 163 - Shielded Metal Arc Welding Shop 2

    You will perform welds in flat, vertical, and overhead positions using F3 and F4 electrodes. You will be introduced to open root welding.

  • WLDR 164 - Wire Feed Welding Processes Shop 1

    In this course you will be introduced to solid wire welding procedures such as weld sequencing, metal transfer types, weld positions and advanced waveforms on lite gauge materials. You will perform multiple pass welds using pulsed wave forms.

  • WLDR 165 - Wire Feed Welding Processes Shop 2

    You will develop your abilities with solid wire GMAW in the horizontal and overhead positions. You will be introduced to flux cored, metal cored and aluminum wire feed welding processes. You will perform open root welds with solid wire in the flat and vertical positions.

  • WORK 113 - Work Experience

    You will spend one week in industry to demonstrate trade and essential workplace skills. Industrial placements provide the learner with on-the-job training and access to potential employment.

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